latex bodypainting

A new twist on the age-old practice of body painting is liquid latex. This simple rubber compound is a fluid medium that is painted on the skin and then dries. By building up layers, whole outfits can be made and worn out in public. This unique material is popular for painted-on costuming effects in the movies, music videos and in the fetish dance club scene.

A recent episode of the tv show CSI, “Slaves of Las Vegas,” featured liquid latex found at the scene of a fetish-oriented murder. The perpetrator had painted all over his victim and the sticky black rubber film was utilized by the crime investigators to connect the victim and crime scene, as well as identify a piece of key evidence. Happily the non-fictional use of this easy and fun material is much more innocuous but just as dramatic.


Body hair can be dealt with in several ways. Hairy areas can be shaved bare or trimmed short. Alternately, apply a liberal amount of body lotion (any lotion will work), rub in well and let absorb completely before painting. If the latex is going to be worn for a long period of time, lotion may not be necessary as the skin will perspire and loosen the latex over time.

Be especially careful not to let two painted parts of the body touch each other, as they will bind instantly and tear the latex. Once all the latex has been painted on, the surface needs to be sealed or finished, which stops the sticking and tearing. Use a water/silicone-based polish, like on your car, or a product from Deviant Liquid Latex called STARDUST, which is a metallic powder.

Ed in latex leggings

Photo Gallery of Ed -
so, after dancing and then sleeping in a pair of liquid latex leggings, how do you take them off? Just watch Ed....


The first concern of working with liquid latex is latex sensitivity. Patch test your model to check for product reaction. Anyone with a kn own latex allergy should avoid any and all contact with liquid latex. Paint a small area on an arm or leg of the model. Wear the latex for several hours, then remove it and see if there is any reddening, irritation or undue skin sensation in the hours after that. A slight itching may be normal when the skin begins to breathe under the latex, but if there is a persistent, uncomfortable sensation, stop and do not use this product.

A secondary concern is that liquid latex can be absorbed into anything made of cloth or with a fabric surface. Put down some sort of plastic tarp or drop cloth in the painting area, or make sure you are over something non-absorbent like tile. As the painter, wear old or protective clothing.

Make sure the area in which you will be working is warm, as the evaporation as the latex dries can chill the model slightly. Liquid latex contains a small amount of ammonia. Open the container and let it vent for a few minutes before you start working to get rid of the smell. Foam brushes and rollers are best, being cheap and plentiful at hardware stores.

Mark in latex t-shirt and shorts

Photo Gallery of Mark -
see details of the short sleeve t-shirt and shorts I painted on him


To get out of liquid latex the outfit is basically destroyed. It can be cut safely with paramedics shears or torn just by pulling. The longer the latex has been worn, the more perspiration will have built up, and the easier to pull off the body. If any areas are still stuck to body hair, apply a little lotion or vegetable oil, wait a bit and then remove slowly.

Check out this body art!

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